Why Do Vacuum Cleaners Lose Suction?

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By CleanersWithLove

Vacuums that lose suction are a common problem. If you’ve ever had this experience, then you know how frustrating it can be: You’ve got just the right amount of dirt on your floor, but there’s no way to get it up into your vacuum cleaner. This guide will help you identify why your vacuum has lost its suction and how to fix the problem so that you can keep your house clean again!


Vacuum cleaners are not prone to loss of suction, but it is possible for a vacuum to lose suction, especially if you do not maintain your vacuum regularly.

When you use your vacuum, the motor creates air pressure that sucks up dirt and debris. If you keep your machine clean, this process will continue to work well. However, if dust or pet hair has built up in the hose or filters, it can reduce the amount of suction that is created by the motor. This can lead to decreased performance, including loss of suction.


Here’s what we know: your vacuum cleaner is losing suction because it needs to be cleaned. It’s as simple as that! Let’s check which part needs to be pointed out.

? Dirty filter

You can check the filter by removing it and looking at it. If it has a lot of dust and dirt on it, you’ll need to clean it. You should clean your vacuum cleaner filter every six months or so (depending on how often you use it). To do this, take out the old filter and rinse off any remaining dirt with water.

Use a vacuum brush to scrub away any stubborn bits left behind by vacuuming as well as stains such as oil or lipstick that might have gotten onto the filter during use. After rinsing off all visible residue, let your new filter dry before putting back into place inside your vacuum cleaner once again!

? Dirty rubber hoses

The rubber hoses that connect your vacuum cleaner to the floor nozzle and wand may become clogged with dirt. The hoses should be cleaned regularly to keep them working properly, especially if you are using a bagless model.

If your vacuum loses suction power, it could be because of a clogged hose. To clean the rubber hoses:

  • Clean the area where they attach to the body of the vacuum with warm water and soap (use dish detergent)
  • Use a wire brush or toothbrush to remove any dirt that has built up in between layers of the hose material.

? Dirty bags

If the vacuum cleaner bag is full, it will not be able to hold any more dust. The suction power of your vacuum cleaner will decrease and this will cause your carpet to stay dirty for longer.

If you do not empty your vacuum cleaner bag regularly then it can lead to a reduction in the performance of your vacuum cleaner. This is because there will be so much dust and dirt in the bag that it cannot take on any more effectively.

? Dirty brush rollers

When the brush roller is dirty, it will cause a loss of suction power. The best way to clean the brush roller is by vacuuming up any hair or thread that might be tangled around it. This can be done with a soft bristle brush or a lint roller.

You should clean your vacuum’s brush roll regularly, and inspect it for damage once a month. If your vacuum cleaner has been dropped or if you notice that there are any visible cracks in the plastic casing of its motor, then immediately stop using this device until repairs can be made at an authorized repair center.

? Full container

The most common reason your vacuum loses suction power is that the container is full. If you’re using a bagless vacuum cleaner, it’s important to empty the dust bin after every use to keep it from getting too heavy and losing suction power.

Another possible cause for poor suction is that you may not have properly sealed the container onto your machine. Make sure you snap on all tabs or twist locks securely and that there are no leaks around any edges of the container or hose attachments.

If these tips don’t help, check if there are any clogs in your hoses by gently running water through them with an aquarium siphon (or something similar). If this doesn’t free up any blockages, take apart your machine piece by piece until they find out what’s wrong!


Vacuum cleaners are a great way to keep your home clean and tidy. They’re also easy to use, so even the least handy people can take care of them. However, they do require some upkeep if you want them to last for years instead of months or weeks. A vacuum cleaner needs regular maintenance in order to function properly and keep dust and dirt away from your family members’ lungs. Here are some tips on how you can make sure that your vacuum cleaner stays in good working condition:

? Check the dust cup

If your vacuum cleaner is losing suction, first check the dust cup. If it’s full, you can empty it by pressing a button or lever on top of the unit. This will release any dirt that has been collected in there and allow you to use your vacuum again.

If you want to extend the life of your machine and keep it running at maximum efficiency, then consider cleaning it regularly. You don’t need to do this all at once. Just once every few months should be sufficient.

? Have the right power setting

Vacuum cleaners have different power settings, and they can make a big difference in your cleaning ability. Some are low suction, while others have high suction. Low-suction cleaners are great for hardwood floors and other smooth surfaces like tile. They suck up less dirt and dust than high-suction vacuums, which are best for carpets because they’ll be able to pick up more of that ground-in dirt that gets stuck deep in the carpet fibers (and also makes your vacuum cleaner work harder).

If you’re unsure which setting is best for your home’s flooring situation, consult the manual that came with your vacuum cleaner or ask an expert at a local hardware store.

? Check for clogs

When it comes to vacuums, one of the biggest causes of loss in suction power is a clog in the hose. To check for this, first, take off the hose and give it a good cleaning with a brush (or use a wet/dry vacuum if available). If you have any blockages inside, this will help clear them out.

If you don’t have access to a wet/dry vacuum, try another option. Turn on your regular vacuum without attaching anything else and use it as an air compressor. Put your finger over one end of the hose so that no air escapes from there. Then, blow through where the other end attaches to the machine. If there’s any resistance at all here (even if it’s just some debris jamming up against something), you’ll feel it when you try this method!

? Look at the belts

Sometimes, it’s the belt that makes your vacuum lose its suction. If the belt is broken or worn out, it can cause a loss of suction. The solution is easy. Just take off the top and change the belt. Some models are easier to open than others, but they all come apart in some way or another. If you’re not sure how to do this on your particular model, get a repair manual online (or at your local library) and look up how to replace the belts on that particular machine.

? Lubricate the moving parts

Lubricating the moving parts of your vacuum will help it to run more smoothly. To do this, you can use a small amount of petroleum jelly or WD-40. You may also want to clean the filter as well in order to prevent any clogs or blockages from occurring in the future.

When it comes to how often you should lubricate your vacuum cleaner, that depends on how often you use it. If you have just purchased a new model, then there is no need for lubrication until after several months of usage when dirt and dust build up inside the machine’s various parts due to regular use over time.

If there are no signs that anything isn’t working right with your vacuum cleaner (like if it still has good suction power but just feels stiff when pulling around corners), then simply wait until after six months before lubing up again so that you don’t go through excessive amounts of oil unnecessarily. It’s important not only for maintaining maximum efficiency but also for reducing wear on internal components by keeping them properly lubricated as much as possible. This is because this reduces friction between moving parts (which means less work required from motors), thereby increasing longevity overall.

? Washing the components

To clean your vacuum cleaner, take apart the machine. Then, wash the brush roll and other components of your vacuum, like filters, hose, and motor housing with warm water and dish soap. After that, dry out components before reassembling them into the machine.

Cleaning should be done every 3 to 6 months or after vacuuming up pet hair or large amounts of dirt (such as heavy construction materials).

? Checking the filters

The first thing you can do to improve your vacuum’s suction is clean the filters. Cleaning a vacuum filter is easy and it only takes a couple of minutes, so there’s no reason not to do it regularly if you want your vacuum to work at maximum efficiency.

It’s important to keep in mind that different types of vacuums have different kinds of filters and they’ll require slightly different care procedures. But in general, all you need is a vacuum filter cleaner or an old toothbrush (or both).

You should be cleaning the filter every time you use your machine, or at least every few weeks if you’re using a bagless model where the dirt gets trapped inside instead. It’s vital for keeping dirty air from entering again once sucked through the hose into its chambers by way of negative pressure, thus decreasing efficiency, but also helps keep dust away from getting stuck on other surfaces like rugs or carpeting.


Vacuums are a great way to keep your home clean and tidy, but they can also be pretty confusing. (How do you know which is the best kind for your house?) The good news is that vacuums aren’t all that different from one another. They all basically have the same parts and do basically the same thing. So if you have a vacuum cleaner already, or if you’re about to buy one, these handy tips will help you keep it working at its best!

? What to do

>>Do use a HEPA filter.

The HEPA filter is your friend. It’s the best tool you can use to ensure that the air in your home is as clean as possible. A good vacuum cleaner will have a HEPA filter, which traps 99.97% of dust and allergens that pass through it. This means that, for those with allergies or asthma, using a vacuum cleaner with this feature can make a huge difference in the quality of life.

The same goes for people who have pets. If you have a cat or dog around your house often (or any other animal), having one of these filters on hand will help reduce pet dander from being distributed into the air. If you live with children who love playing outside and track dirt inside after each adventure, having a vacuum with a HEPA filter means you won’t have to worry about their mess ending up back in their rooms when they come inside!

>>Do get a cordless model for stairs and hard-to-reach areas.

You should get a cordless model to clean stairs and hard-to-reach areas. This is because they provide more flexibility, which means that you don’t have to unplug them in order to move them around. If you decide to go with a corded vacuum cleaner, make sure its cord is long enough so that it can reach all the places where dirt accumulates. You also need one with good suction power and attachments such as brushes for cleaning hard floors and crevices where dust tends to gather.

>>Do choose a canister or upright vacuum depending on your preference.

When looking for a vacuum, the first thing you should decide on is whether you want an upright or canister vacuum. Upright vacuums are more powerful and therefore better suited to larger areas, while canisters are easier to move around and store. There are also some important differences between these two types of vacuums when it comes to cleaning ability:

  • In general, canisters have less suction power than uprights but they’re lighter and easier to maneuver, which makes them ideal for smaller spaces.
  • Canisters tend to be cheaper than uprights because of their lower weight, though they often don’t last as long due to frequent movement during cleaning sessions.

? What not to do

>>Don’t try to get it all in one pass.

You should not try to clean your entire home with your vacuum cleaner all at once. If you do this, then you won’t be able to clean effectively because there will be so much stuff everywhere (and who wants that?). Instead, take small steps toward achieving your goal of having a clean home, and don’t worry about finishing everything all at once.

>>Don’t start too soon after a renovation project.

If you’re renovating a room or an entire house, it might be tempting to vacuum up all the dust immediately, but that can actually cause more problems than it fixes. If you do this before the dust has had time to settle, then you’ll be pulling a lot of fine particles into your vacuum cleaner which will clog up its filters faster and make your machine work harder as it sucks air through them.

There’s also some evidence that vacuuming too early will spread out the dirt and make cleaning harder later on! A better idea is to wait for at least 24 hours before starting vacuuming. Then use damp cloths (or microfiber ones) to pick up any remaining debris.

>>Don’t ignore the brushes.

You should never ignore your vacuum cleaner’s brushes, as they are an essential part of the cleaning process. The brushes help to pick up dirt and debris, but they can also get clogged with hair and dust. When the bristles on these parts become excessively dirty, it can cause damage to your vacuum cleaner by preventing airflow through the unit. If you do notice that your brush is getting clogged up with dirt or pet hair, remove it immediately so you don’t have to deal with this issue later down the road!

>>Don’t let it sit on the floor after you’re done.

Don’t leave your vacuum cleaner sitting on the floor after you’re done vacuuming. This will allow dust and dirt to settle into the carpet, which can be very damaging over time. If you must leave it for a short period of time, be sure to unplug it so that no damage occurs from static electricity build-up in the machine.

Never store your vacuum in an area with moisture or high humidity levels since this will lead to mold growth inside the machine’s hoses and attachments! Store your vacuum cleaner in a dry place where there is good airflow around it at all times!


? Why does the suction of my vacuum cleaner vary?

There are several factors that affect the suction of your vacuum cleaner. The type of floor, the type of cleaning you are doing, the type of vacuum cleaner you have, and even the kind of dust you are cleaning can all impact the amount of suction that your machine provides.

Some types of floors such as hardwood or tile tend to trap more dirt than carpets so they require more power from a vacuum cleaner to clean effectively. If you need an extra boost for carpeted floors then try using a larger brush head like a motorized one. This should increase your overall efficiency and make it easier for you to reach difficult areas like corners and under furniture without having to bend over so much!

? Is it normal for the suction power to decrease over time?

Yes, it’s normal for the suction power to decrease over time.

You can check the suction of your vacuum cleaner by using some handy little tool. If you have a loss of suction, there are a few things you can do to fix it, just check the guide above.

? How important is the airflow?

It’s important to check your airflow occasionally and to know what things can cause a loss of suction. The amount of air that can be drawn in by a vacuum cleaner is called “airflow.” Airflow is what causes the suction power to work. If there is a loss of airflow, then there will be a loss of suction power.


Fortunately for us, vacuum cleaners can easily lose suction if they aren’t properly maintained, which is what the problem was on our end. The steps we outline should help you solve this issue as well. Just pay attention to the signs your vacuum cleaner is giving you and make sure everything stays in proper working order.

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