House Cleaning 101: How Often To Clean Certain Things In The House

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By CleanersWithLove

To promote health and well-being, responsible adults should keep their homes clean and orderly. But due to our busy schedules, it’s easy to forget to clean specific sections of the home. This blog article will help you prioritize cleaning duties and maintain a healthy house by discussing how often you should clean certain things in the house. We’ll explain how to clean everything from kitchen surfaces to bathroom fixtures to keep your house in top shape. Let’s start!

Importance Of Having A Cleaning Schedule

house cleaning
Photo by Anton on Unsplash

Scheduled cleaning helps maintain a clean, healthy, and orderly atmosphere. Frequent cleaning removes dirt, dust, and other pollutants that cause respiratory issues and allergies. It also boosts productivity and mental health.

Regular cleaning generally prevents disease. Without frequent cleaning, bacteria, and viruses may persist on surfaces and spread swiftly. Wiping and cleaning surfaces routinely may help avoid disease, particularly during flu season.

Cleaning also removes allergens and contaminants, improving indoor air quality. Over time, dust, pollen, and pet dander may create respiratory issues, particularly for asthmatics. Vacuuming, dusting, and cleaning air filters routinely improve air quality and make the atmosphere healthier.

A regular cleaning practice may also prolong furniture and equipment life. Dirt and dust may harm surfaces, requiring expensive repairs or replacements. By cleaning them periodically, you may prolong their life and improve their appearance.

House Cleaning vs Housekeeping vs Deep Cleaning

Each concept requires a different amount of time and work to clean and maintain a house.

Basic house cleaning comprises everyday actions that maintain a home clean like sweeping, mopping, dusting, and vacuuming. Daily, weekly, or monthly home cleaning depends on the household’s demands.

Housekeeping includes cleaning, organization, and maintenance. Decluttering, organizing, washing, and food shopping are included, making it a time-consuming task.

Deep cleaning is less regular but more thorough. It includes cleaning inside and behind appliances, baseboards, window sills, walls, and ceilings. Depending on the home, deep cleaning might be done every six months or annually.

Household Cleaning Agents You Might Need

house cleaning

? All-purpose cleaners

These cleaners work on many surfaces, including kitchen worktops, sinks, and bathroom fixtures. They efficiently clean these surfaces because these cleaners use surfactants, solvents, and water.

Surfactants diminish water surface tension, allowing dirt and filth to permeate. They also emulsify oils and fats, which are hard to clean. These cleaners remove water-resistant stains and grease using solvents.

Depending on the user’s cleaning requirements, this variation makes them adaptable and simple to use.

? Glass cleaners

Glass cleaners clean windows and mirrors. They dissolve debris, grime, and stains to clean glass surfaces.

Glass cleaners are mostly made of water, solvents, and surfactants. Solvents like alcohol or glycol remove stubborn stains and residues in water-based cleaning solutions. Surfactants, substances that lower liquid surface tension, remove dirt and grime, making it simpler to wipe away.

Many glass cleaners use ammonia, vinegar, and these basic components. Vinegar dissolves hard water stains and mineral buildup, while ammonia cuts away oil and dirt. These substances clean the severely dirty glass well.

? Disinfectants

Chemical or physical disinfectants eliminate germs and bacteria on surfaces. They keep toilets, kitchens, hospitals, and other public spaces clean and sanitary, especially where germs might develop and spread.

Disinfectants vary in characteristics and efficacy. Bleach, hydrogen peroxide, and alcohol-based solutions are the most common household disinfectants.

Follow the disinfection package directions carefully. Disinfectants work best when left on the surface for the specified duration before wiping. Ineffective cleaning and disinfection might transmit germs and bacteria if guidelines are not followed.

? Abrasives

Abrasives scour dirt, filth, and other contaminants from surfaces. They grind the material’s surface, eliminating undesirable particles and leaving a smooth surface. Powders, pastes, and creams are abrasives and can be used to clear difficult stains, polish metals, and more.

Examples of household abrasives are baking soda, sand, pumice, rough brushes and sponges, and also those harsh chemicals sitting in your cabinet!

Things That Need Daily Cleaning

? Kitchen counters, sink, and stove

  • Clear surfaces.

Remove small appliances, utensils, and dishes from the sink, stove, and countertops. This phase entails moving things off the surfaces temporarily.

  • Clean countertops.

Wipe counters with a moist cloth or sponge to remove crumbs and spills. To eliminate any dirt, clean the counter’s edges and corners. Use a mild cleanser or all-purpose cleaner for stubborn spots.

  • Sink cleaning

Hot water can clean the sink effectively. Use the faucet or a container to fill the sink, then use a cleaning solution and scour the sink. Clean the sink’s sides, bottom, and basin. Rinse again and dry the sink.

  • Stove cleaning

Wash grates and burner covers with hot soapy water. This procedure entails removing stove pieces like grates and burner covers and cleaning them separately. Wash the stove with cleaners and use degreasers to remove stubborn stains. Clean the stove’s knobs, burners, and other parts.

  • Shine.

Polish surfaces using a microfiber cloth or paper towel after cleaning and drying. Buffing surfaces removes stains and wet marks.

  • Restore and restock.

Return everything to the worktops, sink, and stove. This step entails returning everything from step 1.

? Dishes and utensils

  • Remove food debris.

Remove any big food or debris before washing dishes. Use a fork, spoon, or spatula to get any leftover food. This simplifies cleaning and prevents sink blockages.

  • Warm water rinsing.

Warm water rinses out any leftover food particles after scraping. It also softens food residue making it easy to clean.

  • Soak in hot, soapy water.

Add dishwashing soap to hot water in a sink. Use mild dish soap or dishwashing soap, then, soak your plates and utensils in water.

  • Scrub dishes and utensils thoroughly.

Scrub each plate and utensil with a sponge or brush to remove food residue. Check corners and crevices. A scrubber with a handle or a bottle brush for glasses may be used to clean dishes.

  • Rinse dishes and utensils.

Rinse dishes and utensils under hot water to eliminate soap residue after scrubbing. This will prevent soap residue from leaving your dishes slippery.

  • Use the dishwasher for dishwasher-safe plates.

Load dishwasher-safe plates and utensils and start a cycle. Load them with the dirty side towards the middle of the dishwasher.

  • Dry non-dishwasher-safe plates with a clean cloth or air-dry.

You may air-dry or towel-dry non-dishwasher-safe dishes. Before storage, thoroughly dry each dish and utensil with a clean, dry cloth. Place them on a dish rack or on a clean cloth to air dry.

? Bathroom sink, toilet, and shower

  • Clean the toilet.

Scrub the toilet bowl, rim, and beneath the rim using a toilet brush. Clean the seat, lid, and base with a disinfectant spray or wipes. Disinfect the toilet handle too. To stop germs, flush with the lid down.

  • Sink cleaning.

Disinfect the sink, faucet, and countertop. Wipe toothpaste and soap residue with a moist cloth. To prevent blockage, use a drain cleaner or hot water.

  • Clean the tub/shower.

To avoid soap scum and water stains, wash the walls and shower doors with a squeegee or towel after each use. Soak the showerhead in vinegar or use a showerhead cleaner.

  • Clean mirrors.

Clean mirrors using glass cleaner or vinegar and water. Microfiber cloths also prevent streaks.

? Floors

  • Sweep or vacuum loose dirt, dust, and debris.
  • Spot-clean spills and stains with a moist cloth or flooring-specific cleaner.
  • Mop the floors but make sure that it is not dripping or too wet.
  • To avoid warping or damaging your dry hardwood, laminate, or vinyl floors quickly with a clean, dry towel.
  • Repeat cleaning high-traffic areas.

? Trash and recycling bins

  • Empty the bins.

First, remove all the garbage or recycling material from the bins and dispose of them appropriately.

  • Rinse the bins.

Using a garden hose or a spray nozzle, rinse the bins with water to remove any remaining debris and dirt.

  • Clean the bins.

Use a cleaning solution of your choice, such as dish soap, vinegar, or a specialized cleaning product, and a scrub brush or sponge to clean the inside and outside of the bins thoroughly. Pay attention to any stubborn stains or odors.

  • Rinse and dry the bins.

Rinse the bins thoroughly with water to remove any cleaning solution residue. Dry the bins with a clean towel or let them air dry before placing new trash bags or recycling materials inside.

  • Disinfect (optional).

To further eliminate any bacteria or odor, you can use a disinfectant spray or wipe to sanitize the bins after cleaning.

Other Things That Need Cleaning For Certain Times

house cleaning

? Once a month

Keeping a clean and tidy home can be a daunting task, but there are certain things that may only require monthly cleaning. These include curtains and blinds, ceiling fans, the oven and stove hood, the refrigerator, and the bathtub and shower. Dust and dirt can accumulate on curtains and blinds, so it is recommended to use a vacuum cleaner with a brush attachment or a damp cloth to clean them once a month.

Ceiling fans can also collect dust on their blades and light fixtures, so it is important to clean them using a damp cloth or vacuum cleaner with a brush attachment. The oven and stove hood can accumulate grease and grime from cooking, and the refrigerator can collect spills and food debris, causing unpleasant odors. Cleaning them once a month with a degreaser and mild detergent respectively can help keep them clean and hygienic.

? Every few months

There are several items in a house that require cleaning every few months. These items include ceiling fans, curtains and drapes, upholstered furniture, carpets and rugs, oven and stovetops, windows and blinds, and showers and bathtubs. While some of these items may require regular cleaning, such as wiping up spills and crumbs immediately, a deep cleaning may only be necessary every few months.

Dust accumulates on ceiling fans over time, but they usually only need to be cleaned every few months, depending on how often they are used. Unless they are in a high-traffic area or exposed to a lot of dust, curtains, and drapes can be cleaned every few months or even every six months. Upholstered furniture can be vacuumed and spot-cleaned regularly, but a deep cleaning may only be necessary every few months.

Similarly, carpets and rugs require deep cleaning every few months to remove embedded dirt and allergens. Windows and blinds may only need to be cleaned every few months, depending on their location and usage. 

Factors To Consider When Cleaning The House

? Make a plan

Cleaning a vast place is daunting. A strategy may make the procedure easier and guarantee you don’t overlook anything. So before you clean, create a strategy.

Choose rooms to clean first. Bedrooms, baths, living rooms, and kitchens must be prioritized. After you know which rooms require cleaning, you can split down the jobs.

A checklist may help you clean everything. You may tailor the checklist to your cleaning preferences. Make sure to follow your plan. Go through each area one at a time to finish your list. To keep organized and motivated, tick off your house chore duties.

? Declutter

Make sure to declutter before cleaning. This clears the way for simpler cleaning. Decluttering makes cleaning easier and improves your mood by making the place appear cleaner.

Creating a spot for keys and remote controllers may save time and frustration. By designating a space for these objects, you’ll save time hunting for them after cleaning. In short, organize the room before cleaning to create dedicated locations for often lost objects and enjoy a cleaner, stress-free atmosphere.

? Start from the top

Instead of beginning at the low areas, start cleaning the highest spots first. You can dust ceilings, walls, and light fixtures first before cleaning the floors and other surfaces. This top-to-bottom cleaning method eliminates dust and dirt more efficiently. This will remove the need to clean surfaces many times, saving time, effort, and energy.

? Take breaks

Cleaning is physically demanding. To avoid burnout while finishing the job, take pauses. Little breaks every hour might help you remain energetic and clean faster.

Stretching during breaks helps enhance blood circulation and relaxes stiff muscles. Water may rejuvenate your body and helps you concentrate during this time. To reenergize, you can also take sleep or relax for a few minutes.

Overexertion causes weariness, muscular tension, and other bodily discomforts, which slows cleaning. Breaks keep you motivated and engaged, so you can keep cleaning without losing steam.

Final Words

In conclusion, this blog article demonstrates why cleaning our houses is crucial.

Every home has distinct demands and preferences, thus the frequency of house cleaning will vary. But, high-touch areas like doorknobs, light switches, and worktops should be cleaned daily, particularly during flu season or when someone is unwell.

Depending on home traffic and activity, vacuuming, dusting, and washing linens should be done weekly or every other week. Windows, closets, and decluttering may be done weekly or seasonally.

Lastly, to create a healthy and happy home, establish a cleaning regimen that fits your lifestyle and emphasizes cleanliness and order.

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