Are you thinking about how you should clean tea stains easily and quickly? Stains on clothes, carpets, furniture, and glassware are an unhappy reality if you drink tea. Although a tea stain is faint in color, the discoloration might be difficult to remove. If you prefer a morning cuppa, whether you’re a Darjeeling aficionado or simply a good old builder’s brew, you’ll need to know how and when to remove tea stains. The occasional spill is unavoidable, but it doesn’t have to spoil your day.
Tea stains are more difficult to remove than coffee stains due to their strong tannin content. However, there are various excellent stain removal treatments, many of which may be made using common pantry goods. The easiest approach to remove a tea stain is to do it while it’s still wet since the longer it sits, the more difficult the cleaning procedure will be. Never dry newly soiled clothing since the heat will permanently fix the stain.
Through this article, you will learn ideas on how to remove tea stains from everywhere you see. Let’s take a look at the best ways how to clean tea stains from clothes easily and quickly.
What to Do Before Start
Before removing a tea stain from clothing, upholstery, or carpet, check the care label for cleaning recommendations. While most cleaning procedures are mild enough for a wide variety of materials, understanding an item’s unique care requirements can assist you in selecting the best stain removal choice.
Equipment / Tools
➛Ice cold water
➛Dishwasher detergent
➛Blemish remover
➛Baking powder
How to Remove Tea Stains From Clothes

Tea stains on garments may be removed using a number of methods. If one strategy does not work, feel free to try another. Fortunately, many of the ingredients used to remove tea stains on garments are ordinary home items, allowing you to explore without spending money on store-bought cleaning solutions.
?Rinse With Cold Water
Turn the garment inside out and thoroughly rinse the stain with cold water.
?Use Laundry Detergent
Allow a laundry detergent to remain on the stain for at least 5 minutes. If the stain is old or dried, add detergent and soak the clothing item in cold water for 30 minutes before rinsing. If the tea stain persists, rub in more detergent and soak in warm water for just another 10 to 15 minutes.
?Use Baking Soda
If the stain is still wet, use baking soda immediately to it. The baking soda will absorb the tea, transferring the brown color from the cloth to the powder. Allow the mixture to remain for 12 hours before scraping it off. After the stain has faded, wash the item in the washing machine & hang it to dry. If the fabric’s care instructions only allow for hand washing, you may do so.
?Soak Fabric
Soak the clothing in cold water mixed with oxidizing stain remover. If it doesn’t work, use a stain removal stick, gel, or spray for 5 minutes before the machine and hand washing.
?If necessary, repeat.
If the stain is resistant to removal, try again or attempt an alternative procedure.
How to Get Tea Stains Out of Carpets and Upholstery

When your carpet and upholstered furniture get stained with tea, you may use a variety of at-home cleaning procedures. Typically, no special upholstery or carpet cleaning is required. Here are a few easy strategies to try using resources you most likely already have at home.
?Construct a Cleaning Solution
To prepare an all-purpose upholstery cleaner, use one tablespoon of dishwashing liquid, 1 tablespoon of vinegar, and 2 cups of cold water.
?Apply the Solution to the Fabric
Dab a cleaning solution onto the stain with a clean cloth until it is soaked. Then, wipe the area until all of the extra liquid has been absorbed.
?Rinse and Dry
Once the stain has been removed, dab the area with a clean cloth & cold water to soak the solution. Blot dry with either a dry cloth or towel & repeat the preceding steps as needed.
Tips for Handling Tea Stains
In addition to the methods described above, you may cut one or two denture tabs into quarters and set one piece in a stained teapot and cup. Allow the pills to dissolve for one hour. If you handle a tea stain when it is still new, it should be easy to remove. A stain that has dried or gone through the dryer, on the other hand, will be more difficult to remove. If the stain is stubborn, repeat your selected removal process as necessary. The best approach to avoid tea stains in mugs is to rinse your drinkware as soon as you finish your tea. The longer the tea rests in the cup, the more difficult it will be to remove the stain.
Removing Tea Stains From Everything

We’ve all been there: you’re sipping your tea on a crisp morning, and then the next thing you know, it’s gotten all over your good shirt. While tea is delicious, it may be difficult to remove from garments. Tea may also be obnoxious everywhere it goes, seeming to want to remain forever. We have a simple tutorial that will teach you how to clean tea stains off of anything, from your clothing to your lovely teacups, to spare you many hours of web searches on how to remove tea stains. Use the recommendations below to save everything you love.
☕️Tea Stains from Cups
Have you ever left your tea for too long or used the exact same cup every time you had tea? If so, you’ve most likely seen those brown rings on the side of your cup. While the rings are not harmful to drinkers, they may detract from the appearance of your lovely teacups. Here’s how to get rid of the stain and keep your beloved cup.
◻️Fill your cup halfway with cold water.
◻️Cover the brown rings with a thin coating of baking soda within the cup.
◻️Allow it to rest for 10 minutes before scrubbing away at the baking soda with a sponge.
◻️Scrub the fading ring as best you can, then wash it normally with dishwashing soap.
◻️If necessary, repeat.
The sooner you clean your cup after seeing the stain, the simpler it will be to remove. If you wait a bit before cleaning it, it may take many attempts to remove the rings.
☕️Tea Stains from Teeth
This issue may emerge from any sort of beverage, but mainly from caffeinated beverages. Tea stains aren’t a look that anybody likes, no matter how much they enjoy tea. Here’s how to regain your gleaming pearly whites:
◻️Use baking soda to brush your teeth. This will not whiten your teeth, but it will eliminate the stains left by tea.
◻️Brushing your teeth using baking soda at least once a week is a good idea.
◻️Purchase an electric toothbrush. It will help you wash your teeth more effectively and remove stains more quicker.
◻️This method will not remove stains quickly, but if you stick to them, your teeth will seem whiter and cleaner over time, regardless of how much tea you consume.
☕️Tea Stains from Plastic
It might seem nearly difficult to remove stains from plastic pitchers of iced tea or from a plastic cup of hot tea. Nothing appears to work, no matter how much cleaning you do. We’ll let you in on a little secret:
◻️Fill a plastic container halfway with water (or immerse/coat in water).
◻️2 teaspoons dishwasher detergent (dry or liquid) (not dishwashing soap).
◻️Allow the mixture to stand for 15 to 45 minutes, based on the size of the stain.
◻️The stains should easily come off the plastic. If any stains remain on the plastic, carefully scrape them away with a dish brush.
◻️If necessary, repeat.
☕️Tea Stains from Glass
Tea’s acidity tends to cling to anything it comes into contact with. The same is true with glass, which often leaves a ring around the top. Here are some pointers to help you get it out:
◻️Make a paste with 3 tablespoons of baking soda and a little water.
◻️Rub the glass’s tea spots away.
◻️In a cup of hot water, dissolve 1 teaspoon of dishwashing detergent.
◻️Cover the tea stains with the solution in the glass.
◻️Allow soaking overnight.
◻️Rinse the glass and wash it normally.
◻️If necessary, repeat.
☕️Tea Stains from Carpets
Carpet stains are most likely the king of stains. Carpets are easy to spill on and difficult to clean. But it’s not impossible. Here’s how to remove a tea stain from your carpet & make it appear as if it never happened:
◻️Blot the tea stain until all of the liquid has been gone.
◻️A modest quantity of water should be applied.
◻️Spray the spot with carpet stain remover.
◻️Allow for 5-10 minutes before wiping clean.
◻️If the stain is still visible, dab a cloth with white vinegar and water and dab it on the stain for 5-10 minutes.
◻️Clean with a damp cloth.
◻️Vacuum all over for a spotless finish.
☕️Tea Stains from Stainless Steel
Staining may occur everywhere on stainless steel, including within teapots and other kitchenware, as well as implements such as tea balls, teaspoons, or other tools. The removal procedure isn’t too difficult, and you’ll be back in business in no time.
◻️Fill a spray bottle halfway with white vinegar.
◻️Vinegar should be applied to the whole stain.
◻️Allow 15-20 minutes.
◻️To remove the vinegar and stain, rub the stainless steel with a warm cloth.
◻️Wash regularly after rinsing with warm water.
◻️To maintain your stainless steel clean and glossy, properly dry it.
☕️Tea Stains from Upholstery
Did tea spill on your couch? Everyone has been there. Not all upholstery materials, like carpets, can be cleaned, so read the care label. And, just in case, we recommend that you test any stain removal products on a concealed area first.
◻️To begin, blot up as much of the tea as possible using kitchen towels and an old cloth. Continue moving the cloth and pushing it down, but be cautious not to move any of the tea to another spot.
◻️If you have upholstery cleaner, dilute it with water as indicated on the label. Alternatively, combine one tablespoon of dishwashing liquid, 1 tablespoon of white vinegar, and one cup of lukewarm water.
◻️Dip a clean sponge or white cloth (preferably an old white t-shirt) into your stain-removing solution. Gently rub the stain.
◻️Continue to rinse the cloth within the solution and massage the stain until it fades.
◻️Fill your bowl with warm water & sponge the stain to get rid of as much of the solution as possible. Repeat as needed.
◻️Wipe up as much water as possible.
◻️Allow it to dry.
☕️Tea Stains from Walls
Begin by cleaning loose debris and cobwebs from the walls to eliminate the tea/coffee hue. Half-fill a bucket with warm water. Add enough detergent to the water to generate foam. Avoid using too much soap since it will make the walls sticky and attract additional dust. Wipe down the wall from side to side and top to bottom using a sponge that has been dampened with the solution. Finally, wipe off any extra moisture remaining on the wall with a dry cloth.
☕️Tea Stains from Furniture
Coffee/tea spills on furniture are highly probable since we use our favorite sofa all the time, whether for reading a book or watching a movie. However, you do not need to purchase costly upholstery cleaning since there are several inexpensive solutions that you can try using basic products accessible at home and domestic shops in Sydney:
Simply combine 1 tablespoon each of dishwashing liquid & vinegar with 2 cups of cold water. Using this solution, sponge the affected area. To remove the stain, make sure the discolored area is properly damp. Blot it until the liquid is completely absorbed. Repeat the method until the tea stains are entirely removed. Finally, wipe it dry with a new piece of towel to remove the cleaning solution.
Prepare a hand-washing detergent solution with two glasses of cold water. Apply the detergent with a cloth. Blot carefully until the coffee/tea stain disappears from the furniture. Continue blotting until the stain disappears. Finish by rinsing the afflicted area with cold water and allowing it to dry.
☕️Additional Tips
When it comes to removing coffee/tea deposits, petroleum jelly works well as well. It replaces the watermark with oil, which may then be readily removed.
◻️Lemon juice may also be utilized to get rid of these pesky spots. However, remember to clean up the lemon residue after treatment.
◻️To erase these markings, always use white or clean cotton and paper towels.
◻️Repeat the procedures until you get your best results.
Why You Should Clean Tea Stains

The removal of a coffee or tea stain may be quite aggravating. These stains may seem tough to remove at times, but with simple strategies, you can pull them out. Although there are several techniques for removing these markings, seeking expert aid is preferable and produces the desired effects. Here are some reasons why you should clean tea stains from everything.
✅Reduce Staining
Tea tends to discolor ceramic, enamel, and porcelain, particularly in broken or thinly glazed places. I’ve even had stains formed on stainless steel. Tea stains are tannin stains that accumulate over time. They stain the tea and must be removed to guarantee a tasty cup. These stains may be removed using common home items. One approach is to use a moist cloth and a little baking soda to scrub, rinse well, and then wash regularly with dish soap.
✅Stop Bacterial Growth
That crusty residue, particularly if you add milk to your tea, may provide a breeding ground for germs. Furthermore, your lips leave a residual on the cups. Of course, when you wash the cup at the workplace break room sink, you should avoid using a germ-infested sponge and scrub brush. I discovered that washing with soap and hot water and drying with a paper towel eliminates the majority of residue and that cleaning the cup at home once a week keeps it germ-free.
✅Avoid Cross Flavoring
The tannins in the tea form a residue that may change the taste of subsequent cups of tea. This is particularly crucial if you prefer several types of tea.
✅Respect for Family and Coworkers
A really disgusting cup or mug at your house or office might trigger sickness and even loss of appetite in others around you. They may acquire the habit of running away or turning their sight away from the offending vessel whenever you approach holding that cup/mug. They may even create a separate area for you to sip your beverage without having to see or envision the filth inside the cup or mug.
Depending on how valuable that cup or mug is to you, you may consider saving it for posterity or entrusting it to a daughter, son, nephew, niece, nephew, or another key person in your life. Giving them something grotesquely coated with tea residue is hardly considerate.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do tea stains wash out?
When you spill the tea on your top and immediately throw it in the wash, you may be able to prevent a stain. However, tea contains tannins, which normally create a dark stain; therefore, we suggest using a stain remover before washing. If you decide to take the chance and your top still has a visible stain, attempt to attack it before it dries. Once it’s set,’ it’ll be much more difficult to remove.
What can get rid of tea stains?
Apply baking soda to the stain and produce a paste with a little water. Using a moist, soft sponge, scrub the stain. Baking soda’s soft, abrasive nature aids in the removal of coffee or tea stains from the surface. After you’ve done cleaning, thoroughly rinse the cup to remove any residual baking soda.
Why are tea stains so difficult to remove?
Unfortunately, tea has a high potential for staining hard surfaces, clothing, and household materials. Tea stains are difficult to remove because of these bothersome chemical components called tannins.
What stains worse, coffee or tea?
The common black tea that most people drink, like wine, is high in tannins that promote staining. Dentists claim it stains more than coffee, which is high in chromogens but low in tannins. Black tea is more prone to stain than herbal, green, & white teas.
Is it possible to erase tea stains with salt?
Tea stains may be removed from cups and mugs using a few common home products, such as baking soda and salt, as well as a decent dishwashing detergent.
Final Thoughts
Now that you know how to remove tea stains, how does it feel to know that your belongings are safe from harm or ugly stains? These tea stains can be removed easily in some cases but not in others, depending on the material and also how long the stain has been there. We hope this article assists you in preventing lasting damage from coffee and tea stains on your favorite white shirt or other apparel and items. Do you want to know how to clean drains outside? Click Here!