Secret Tips to Clean a Tiled Bathroom Floor

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By CleanersWithLove

The bathroom is one of the most frequently used rooms in a home, which can get dirty quickly. Bathroom floors, in particular, can be tough to keep clean because they’re constantly exposed to moisture and dirt.

Tile is a popular material for bathroom floors because it’s durable and easy to clean. But even tile floors can start to look dingy and grimy over time. If your tile floor requires a good cleaning, this post is for you!

Why Is It Important to Clean Your Tile Floor?

how to clean a tiled bathroom floor

Many people think tile floors are easy to maintain and clean. But the truth is, they can be quite delicate and require regular cleaning and care. Here are a few reasons why it’s essential to keep your tile floor clean:

?️To Prevent Allergies

If you or anyone in your family suffers from allergies, then it’s very important to keep your tile floor clean. Allergens like dust mites and pet dander can quickly collect on tile floors, exacerbating allergy symptoms. Regular sweeping and mopping will help to remove these allergens and create a cleaner, healthier environment.

?️To Avoid Mold and Mildew Growth

Tile floors are also susceptible to mold and mildew growth, especially in humid environments. Not only is this unsightly, but it can also be dangerous for your health. Mold and mildew can cause respiratory problems, so keeping them at bay by regularly cleaning your tile floor is important.

?️To Keep Your Floor Looking Good

Of course, one of the most obvious reasons to clean your tile floor is to keep it looking good! Over time, dirt, grime, and stains can build up, making your tile floor look dull and dingy. Regular cleaning will help restore its shine and keep it looking new.

How Often to Clean Tile Floors

For most people, tile floors are a beautiful and practical addition to their homes. They are easy to clean and care for and can last many years with proper maintenance. When it comes to cleaning tile floors, the frequency depends on the type of tile and the amount of traffic in the area.

But in general, tile floors, especially in the bathroom, should be cleaned at least twice a week to prevent allergies, mold, and mildew growth and keep the floor looking good. A dirty tile floor can be a breeding ground for bacteria and other allergens, which can cause major health problems. It’s important to keep your tile floor clean and free of dirt, dust, and stains.

The Best Way to Clean a Tiled Bathroom Floor

Before selecting the appropriate tile floor cleaning, you should know that tile flooring is often made of porcelain, stone, or ceramic. Harsh chemicals can damage these materials, so using the right products and methods is important when cleaning them.

If you’re unsure whether your tile flooring is ceramic or porcelain, you can perform a few simple tests at home.

  1. First, examine the tile surface. Porcelain tile is typically smoother and less porous than ceramic tile.
  2. You can also try scratching the tile’s surface with a sharp object; porcelain is much more resistant to scratches than ceramic.
  3. Look at the back of the tile. Porcelain tiles will have a smooth, even surface, while ceramic tiles will typically have a more bumpy texture.

How to Clean Porcelain Tile Floors

Bathrooms, both modern and classic, work best with porcelain. Since it is sturdy enough, it can withstand years of dirt, water, and sludge. You can use a wide variety of cleaning supplies without worrying that they will damage or discolor the tile.

Porcelain is non-porous, meaning it does not absorb spills or dirt like other materials. As a result, it is much easier to clean and maintain. Here’s how to clean porcelain tile floors:

  • Add a cup of refined white vinegar to a bucket of boiling water.
  • Clean the floor with a mop and then rinse it out.
  • Use a used toothbrush & baking soda to clean dirty grout.
  • Using a mop and hot, clean water, wipe the floor again to rinse away any residue.
  • Let it dry and see the amazing results.

How to Clean Ceramic Tile Floors

Ceramic tile is often used in high-traffic spaces like kitchens and bathrooms. It is more delicate than porcelain and needs to be cleaned with milder solutions. Unlike porcelain, ceramic is a porous material that can absorb spills and dirt. As a result, it is important to clean it regularly to prevent stains and dirt buildup. Here’s how to clean ceramic tile floors:

  • Sweep the floor with a soft-bristled broom or vacuum it with a soft brush attachment to remove any loose dirt or debris.
  • Mix a solution of 1/4 cup vinegar and 1 gallon of warm water.
  • Mop the floor with the vinegar solution and work in small sections.
  • Rinse the floor with clean water and let it air dry.
  • For tougher stains, you can use baking soda and water paste.
  • Apply it to the stain with a soft cloth, then rinse it.
  • You can also use store-bought cleaners designed for ceramic tile floors. Just be sure to read the label carefully to make sure they are safe for your specific type of tile.

How to Clean Stone Tile Floors

Use precaution when handling natural stone tiles, such as slate, marble, or granite.

The chemicals of regular cleansers may damage these materials’ surfaces. Use cleansers formulated especially for natural stone in cleaning those stone tiles.

?Slate Tiles

In order to remove dirt and debris, sweep the floor with a soft-bristled broom or vacuum with a soft brush attachment. You can also use a damp mop, but be sure not to flood the floor.

If there are marks or stains on the slate, you can try cleaning them with a mild detergent or cleaner specifically designed for slate. Be sure to test the cleaner in an inconspicuous area first to ensure it doesn’t damage the finish on your floor.

?Marble Tiles

Marble is a soft stone, making it susceptible to damage from acidic cleaners. Over time, these cleaners can dull the surface of the marble and even etch into the tile. In order to keep your marble floor looking its best, it’s important to use a neutral pH cleaner.

There are plenty of options on the market specifically designed for marble, or you can make your own by mixing one part water with one part distilled vinegar. Just be sure to rinse the floor well after cleaning and avoid using too much water, as this can damage the marble.

You can try scrubbing with a soft-bristled brush or a non-abrasive pad for tougher stains. Just be sure to exercise caution so you don’t damage the tile’s surface.

?Granite Tiles

Granite tiles must be cleansed with a moderate, pH-neutral solution, just like marble and slate tiles. These tiles may get discolored or even have streaks if you use an aggressive cleaning. Polished granite flooring may also need buffing to maintain its clean, bright appearance.

How to Clean Tiled Bathroom Floor With a Steam Cleaner

A steam cleaner is a versatile tool that can be used for cleaning a variety of surfaces, including tile floors. The high temperature of the steam loosens dirt and grime, making it easy to wipe away. In addition, steam cleaners can also help to sanitize surfaces, making them ideal for bathrooms.

To clean a tiled bathroom floor with a steam cleaner, simply run the machine over the tiles and then wipe away the dirt with a cloth. For best results, be sure to move the steam cleaner slowly and evenly over the surface of the tiles. In addition, you may need to make several passes over particularly dirty areas. Once you have finished steaming the floor, you can use a mop or cloth to remove any remaining dirt or moisture.

How to Clean Tiled Bathroom Floor Using DIY Cleaners

how to clean a tiled bathroom floor

Fortunately, there are several ways to clean tile floors using DIY cleaners that are just as effective as store-bought options but much cheaper.

?Bicarbonate soda and Bleach 

Bicarbonate soda is a natural cleaning agent used to clean tiled bathroom floors. Mix one cup of bicarbonate soda with a quart of warm water and mop as usual. For tougher stains, you can mix equal parts bicarbonate soda and bleach to create a powerful cleaning solution. Use gloves, ventilate the area well with bleach, and always read the instructions! Mix the ingredients, apply to your tiles, and scrub off completely after an hour.

?Baking Soda and Vinegar

Baking soda and vinegar are two common household ingredients that can be used to clean a tiled bathroom floor. Simply mix the two ingredients equally, then spray the solution onto the tiles. Leave the mixture for a minute before wiping it away with a cloth. The baking soda will help loosen any dirt or grime, while the vinegar will kill any bacteria.

The acid in vinegar can damage the grout between tiles, and baking soda’s abrasiveness can scratch the tiles’ surface. So be cautious when using this method, and be sure to rinse the area well after cleaning.

?Lemon and Salt 

Lemon and salt make a great DIY cleaner for tiled bathroom floors. The citric acid in lemons is effective at breaking down dirt and grime, while the salt acts as an abrasive to help scrub away any tough stains. Mix lemon juice and salt together, then apply the mixture to the floor. Leave it to sit for a few minutes before scrubbing it with a brush or cloth. Finally, rinse away the cleaner with warm water.

As with vinegar, the acidity of lemons can damage tile grout, so be sure to exercise caution when using this method. In addition, be sure to rinse the area well after cleaning to remove any residue that could damage the tiles.


Borax, dish soap, washing soda, baking soda, and vinegar make for excellent DIY cleaners when cleaning tiled bathroom floors. When used in combination, these common household items are powerful enough to cut through grime and dirt yet gentle enough to leave your tilework sparkling clean. Plus, they’re far cheaper than store-bought cleaners! Here’s how to use them:

Start by mixing equal parts of borax, dish soap, washing soda, and baking soda. Add just enough vinegar to make a paste-like consistency. Apply the paste to your floor using a sponge or brush, and work it into all the nooks and crannies. Let it sit for 10-15 minutes before rinsing with clean water—Buff dry with a soft cloth for a streak-free finish.

?Hydrogen Peroxide 

Hydrogen peroxide is great for removing stubborn stains, while white flour can be used to scrub away buildup. If you’re dealing with mold or mildew, simply cover the affected area with plastic wrap or tape and let it sit overnight. In the morning, the mold should be much easier to remove. Mix a paste of hydrogen peroxide and flour, apply it to the floor, and scrub away. Rinse with clean water when you’re finished.

As always, ventilate the area well when using hydrogen peroxide. In addition, this method should only be used on non-porous surfaces such as tile, linoleum, or vinyl. Porous surfaces such as wood or drywall could be damaged by hydrogen peroxide.

How About Tile Grout?

Even though cleaning tile bathroom floors is necessary, you must address the grout to achieve the stunning outcomes you want. Learning to clean tile grout is essential, as this is usually the dirtiest part of the process.

Not everyone enjoys scrubbing away at stains, but when it comes to tile grout, it’s necessary to keep your lines looking sharp. Grout is sealed when it’s installed, but that sealant can fail over time. If you want to keep your grout clean, plan to reseal it every year.

This will create a barrier against stains and make cleaning much easier. You can use a store-bought grout sealer or make your own by mixing equal parts water and white vinegar. Apply the mixture to the grout lines with a brush and let it sit for 30 minutes before wiping it away.

Safety Tips When Cleaning Tiled Bathroom Floor

You might not give it much thought, but cleaning your tiled bathroom floor is dangerous. Every year, thousands of people are injured while cleaning their bathroom floors. In fact, it’s one of the most common household accidents. But it doesn’t have to be this way. Here are safety tips to keep in mind the next time you’re cleaning your bathroom floor.

✔️Wear the Proper Clothing

When you’re cleaning your tiled bathroom floor, make sure that you’re wearing the proper clothing. It means closed-toe shoes that have good traction. You should also wear clothes that you don’t mind getting dirty or wet. Always wear gloves, as this will protect your hands from harsh chemicals.

✔️Gather Your Supplies Ahead of Time

Before you start cleaning your tiled bathroom floor, take a few minutes to gather all of the supplies that you’ll need. This includes things like a mop, bucket, gloves, and cleaner. Having everything that you need within reach will help to prevent accidents.

✔️Wet the Floor First

One of the most common mistakes people make when cleaning their tiled bathroom floors is not wetting the floor first. It can cause the tiles to become slick and dangerous. So, before scrubbing, take a moment to wet the floor with a mop or sponge.

✔️Work in Small Sections

Another common mistake is cleaning too large of an area at one time. When mopping your tiled bathroom floor, work in small sections to avoid reaching too far forward or backward. This will help to prevent slips and falls.

✔️Use Caution When Using Cleaners

Many cleaners contain harsh chemicals that can be dangerous if they come into contact with your skin or eyes. So, read the labels and follow the instructions for use carefully. Try to find natural or non-toxic cleaners that are just as effective but safer.

✔️Take Breaks as Needed

.Cleaning your tiled bathroom floor can tax your body, so take breaks as needed. If you start to feel dizzy or lightheaded, sit down for a few minutes until you feel better. And if you feel pain in any body parts, stop what you’re doing and rest for a while.

✔️Don’t Forget to Dry the Floor 

After you finish mopping, dry the floor with a clean towel for a few minutes. This will help to prevent slips and falls, and it will also help extend the life of your tile floors by preventing water damage. 

✔️Call for Help If You Need It

If you’re not feeling well or unsure how to clean your tiled bathroom floor properly, don’t hesitate to call for help. There’s no shame in admitting that you need assistance, and it’s better to be safe than sorry. So, if you have any doubts, err on the side of caution and call a professional.

Keeping Your Tiled Bathroom Floor Stunning

❕Cleaning Your Tile

One of the most important things you can do to keep your tile looking new is to clean it regularly. Use a soft brush or mop to avoid scratching the surface of the tile. If you have grout lines, be sure to clean them thoroughly as well. As mentioned earlier, you can use a store-bought grout cleaner or make your own by mixing.

❕Preventing Damage

To prevent damage to your tile, place mats or rugs in high-traffic areas. This will help protect your tile from dirt, sand, and other debris that can scratch or dull the surface. In addition, be sure to wipe up any spills immediately. Tile is porous and can absorb liquids, which can lead to staining.

❕Protecting Your Finish

To protect the finish on your tile, avoid using harsh cleaning products. Stick to mild soap and water or a gentle all-purpose cleaner. You should also avoid using abrasive scrub pads as they can scratch the surface of your tile. If you need to use a stronger cleaning product, rinse the area thoroughly afterward with plain water.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Swiffer Wet safe to be used on ceramic tiles?

Swiffer Wet Clothes are safe to use on ceramic tiles. However, before using Swiffer Wet for the first time on any surface, it is recommended that you test in an inconspicuous area. 

How do professionals clean the bathroom?

If you’re looking for someone to clean your house, call an expert. Professional bathroom cleaners typically follow a specific process to clean all the surfaces in a bathroom. They start by spraying each surface with a disinfectant or all-purpose cleaner. They then let the cleaner sit for a few minutes to break up any grime or dirt.

Next, they scrub the surfaces with a sponge or brush to remove any remaining dirt. Then, rinse the surfaces with clean water and dry them with a towel. In between each step, they make sure to empty the sink and tub and wipe down the toilet bowl.

How do you clean limescale from bathroom tiles?

Limescale is a calcium carbonate buildup that can occur on bathroom fixtures, such as toilet bowls, showers, and sinks. The cause of limescale is hard water, which contains high levels of minerals.

Over time, these minerals can deposit themselves on surfaces, creating a white, chalky film. Although limescale may seem difficult to remove, several effective cleaning methods can help break down the mineral buildup.

One popular method is to mix equal parts vinegar and water in a spray bottle and apply the solution to the affected area. After letting it sit for 15-20 minutes, scrub the area with a sponge or brush before rinsing with clean water.

You can also use a store-bought limescale remover according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

How do you clean your bathroom floor without scrubbing?

One way is to use a steam mop. Steam mops use hot steam to loosen dirt and grime, making it easy to wipe away with little effort. Another way is to use a vinegar solution. Vinegar is a natural disinfectant and can help to break down tough stains. You can also add a few drops of essential oil to the solution to help freshen the area.

How do you keep tile floors shiny and clean?

It’s important to sweep or vacuum regularly to remove dirt and debris. Once the floor is free of loose dirt, you can mop with mild detergent and water. Be sure to rinse the floor well afterward to avoid leaving behind any soap residue. For an extra shine, you can buff the floor with a dry cloth after mopping. For best results, always start with the gentlest method and only move on to more harsh cleaners if necessary.

Final Words

Tile floors are popular for bathrooms because they’re easy to clean and maintain. But if you want to keep your tile floor looking its best, you’ll need to take some precautions and use the proper cleaning supplies. In this article, we’ve shared secret tips for cleaning a tiled bathroom floor. Follow these tips, and your tile floors will be sparkling in no time!

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