Cleaning The Sofa Without A Vacuum Cleaner

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By CleanersWithLove

Do you know what’s better than cleaning the house? Cleaning the sofa! There is no need to take the sofa to a professional cleaner if it gets dirty. So if you spilled your ketchup or it’s the month of pet shedding, then it’s time to dive into your sofa. I can hear your mind saying, “How can I clean it if I don’t have a vacuum cleaner?”

That’s why I’m here! This article will lead you to the most appropriate way of cleaning your sofa, even without the power of a vacuum cleaner. Here’s how to do it.

BASIC TIPS TO CLEAN A SOFA (No vacuum involved!)

It’s easy to maintain your sofa spotless and smelling fresh. Follow these steps, and you’ll have a freshly-cleaned sofa in no time!

Photo credits: Katsia Jazwinska

? Clean loose debris

Use a soft brush attachment to pick up loose debris from the cushions and upholstery. If there are small pieces of dirt in the seams, use a crevice tool to reach into the corners and dislodge them. Never vacuum with a beater bar or hard brush attachment, as they can damage your sofa’s fabric.

? Spot cleaning stains

You may be tempted to use an old t-shirt or rag to rub the stain, but this will only smudge it around and possibly make it worse. Instead, use a dry cleaning sponge that has been doused with rubbing alcohol. The alcohol will break down any oils in the fabric so they can be easily wiped away, leaving the area clean and fresh!

? Deodorize the sofa

To deodorize the sofa, you will need to use a fabric-safe sanitizer and stain remover. Spray the sofa with the sanitizer, let it sit for a few minutes, then wipe off any excess liquid with a neat fabric or any towel.

If you’re looking for some DIY cleaning solution, check the next section.


We’ve got a simple DIY solution that will make your sofa look brand new in no time. And all you need is three ingredients from your local grocery store.

First, get yourself some baking soda. It’s inexpensive and can be found in any pharmacy or supermarket. Then pick up some white vinegar (not red wine vinegar!). Finally, grab some lemon juice, which you can find at any grocery store or bodega.

Mix equal portions of each of these components together until they form a paste, then spread it over the area where you want to clean on your sofa. Let it sit for 10 minutes before scrubbing off with a damp sponge or cloth (or even just by the hand).

Then wipe everything, and you now have a clean sofa!


Everyone loves the sofa. It’s a beautiful piece of furniture that’s been with me through thick and thin, so it’s only right that I look after it properly. But how do you do this? Well, the first thing to recall is that your sofa isn’t made from one solid piece of material. Its upholstery can be removed or replaced entirely so long as you have the right tools and know-how. But there are some methods you can do every day to keep your sofa looking great for years to come:


? Regular dusting and vacuuming

Dusting and vacuuming are really the only way to keep your sofa looking nice, and after all, it is a piece of furniture. Dust away from the fabric as much as possible, and use a vacuum with a brush attachment to get into the corners. Be wary not to push too forcefully on your sofa’s fabric. You don’t want it to rip! Use a soft textile to wipe up any grime that has gotten into the fabric.

? Steam clean your upholstery as often as possible

If you have the time, steam cleans your upholstery as often as possible. It’s a great way to get rid of dirt and dust that can collect in the fabric fibers over time.

A steam cleaner works by heating water until it boils and produces steam, which penetrates deep into the fibers of the sofa. The steam then evaporates quickly into a dry environment, so when you’re done steaming, there’s no wetness left behind, just cleanliness!

If you don’t want to buy a machine for yourself, just ask around at church or work if someone has one they’d be willing to lend out for an afternoon. You’ll need distilled water because tap water contains minerals that could build up over time and become hard stains on your sofa cushions.

You should also make sure that any protective covers (such as slipcovers) are removed before cleaning, so they don’t get damaged or stained by the cleaning solution

? Tackle stains immediately

If you can tackle the stain immediately, it’s best to do so. If the sofa is dry-cleaned only, use a dry cleaning solvent on dry stains. For wet stains, press a clean cloth against it for about 30 seconds. Then smudge with a clean white cloth or kitchen towel until no more stain transfers onto the towel or cloth.

If there are any food stains on your fabric sofa, use a commercial upholstery cleaner according to package instructions before attempting to remove them yourself. You should also use this product if your pet has an accident on your furniture so that you don’t risk staining the fabric permanently by using other methods of removal that aren’t safe for delicate fabrics like microfiber and suede.

? Use coasters, placemats, and tablecloths

It’s important to protect your upholstery from spills and scratches by using coasters, placemats, and tablecloths. Coasters are a great way to protect your furniture from liquid spills. Place mats or tablecloths can also be used if you are eating or drinking something that may get on the sofa.

Tablecloths can be useful for covering a scratched area of an upholstered surface so that it does not show as much when the company comes over.

? Protect upholstered furniture from direct sunlight

Covering upholstered furniture with a sheet or blanket is an easy way to protect your upholstery from direct sunlight. You can also use curtains, blinds, or shades to block out the sun’s harmful rays.

If you’re looking for stylish options that allow you to enjoy the benefits of natural light without sacrificing your precious upholstery, consider window treatments like roller shades or insulated cellular shade systems that filter the light while still letting you enjoy views through your windows.


? How do you clean a removable sofa cover?

Use a broom or brush to remove the dust and dirt from the sofa cover. If there is any blot on it, you can use a damp cloth to clean it off.

After that, you can use a dry cloth or a clean sponge to wipe out all the remaining particles on your sofa cover. It’s important not to let any moisture stay inside for too long as this will cause molding and mildew growth over time if left unchecked!

Finally, if you have a steam cleaner at home already, then now is definitely the time for them, too. This is because they are just perfect for getting rid of stains like coffee cups or even blood stains (this happened once) without having them sit there forever looking gross all day long!

? Can you put a sofa in the washing machine?

Don’t put your sofa in the washing machine. It will be ruined. Even if you have a good dryer, it still won’t work out well for your sofa. You can try drying it outside in the sun and rain, but even then, there are no guarantees that it will survive.

If you really want to wash your couch, I recommend using full-strength bleach first (at least 1/2 cup) and then washing it in cold water to help soften stains. This should be done on a gentle cycle so as not to wear down the fabric too much (you’ll need new cushions anyway).

? Can you put a fabric softener on the sofa?

Sorry, but no. Fabric softeners can leave your sofa looking dull and flat. It’s also not great for your skin or the environment, so skip it altogether if you can. Instead of tossing some fabric softener in the wash every time you do a load of laundry (which is a waste of time in itself), try replacing it with dryer sheets instead. These little squares are designed to keep your clothes smelling fresh while they’re in the tumble dryer, so they’ll work just as well on your couch!

? How do you get mold off of a sofa?

Use a soft bristle brush and mild detergent to scrub the moldy area. Rinse with water and let dry in the sun.

To protect your sofa from mold stains, you should purchase a waterproof cover. This will prevent stains from soaking through to the fabric of your sofa and staining it permanently.

When spills occur on your sofa, clean them immediately. If you neglect it for too long, the stain can seep into the fabric of your couch and be much harder to remove. You should also use a protective spray or pad on any areas where liquids are likely to land, such as next to drinks or near food. This is to prevent stains from occurring in these high-risk areas.


Some of the materials that sofas are made from can be a bit harder to clean than others, though. Some can get stains and spills on them more easily than others. But that doesn’t imply you should get sluggish about keeping your sofa nice and tidy. I wish that this little manual will help you with general cleaning tips for your sofa and that it gives some ideas about products to use.

Check out our next topic. Cleaning the vacuum cleaner! Click here to know how to eliminate the odor coming from your vacuum.

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