How to Get Rid of Fake Blood Stain? 3 Ways

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By CleanersWithLove

Since Halloween is all about the spooks and scares, all this festivity can lead to a bloody end — with fake blood, that is! And as fun as it is to dress up as a vampire riddled with fake blood, the stains you need to deal with at the end aren’t as enjoyable. So, how to get rid of fake blood stain on different things?

From your carpet, clothes, your skin — removing fake blood stains should be a breeze with the proper technique. Read on to see which approach helps remove faux blood stains for your specific situation.

Why You Need to Get Rid Of Fake Blood Stain Fast

white rose with fake blood spill

Since fake blood contains a lot of oil, removing their stains can be difficult, no matter the material.

Whether it’s your clothes, skin, or carpet, leaving fake blood for too long can leave nasty stains. Thus, please don’t ignore the stains for too long, so you won’t struggle to clean up after them. 

Aside from the oil content, fake blood stains can be challenging as they contain corn syrup or alcohol. And both of these are notorious for leaving incredibly hard-to-remove stains. Even spot treatment won’t be enough to deal with fake blood stains from the get-go. 

You need to combine different methods to remove fake blood stains altogether. For instance, you need to use a reliable carpet cleaner alongside a regular scrub to remove faux blood stains from your rug well. 

Below I discuss how to get rid of fake blood stain on your carpet, clothes, and skin in detail for easier removal.

How to Get Rid of Fake Blood Stain?

how to get rid of fake blood stain (infographic)

As realistic as fake blood may seem, removing its stains is more complicated than “actual” blood. Whether on your carpet, clothes, or skin, dealing with faux blood stains is challenging. You can find several fake blood forms and variations in the store, like powders and liquids.

Generally, most fake blood products you can find on the market are liquid-based. After all, many are either corn syrup- or alcohol-based, including the notorious FD&C Red #40. It’s a form of artificial red dye that’s incredibly difficult to remove. 

Ingredients aside, the time you let the stain can impact how easy or difficult you can remove it. Of course, the longer you leave the faux blood stains on the surface, the more challenging it’ll be to handle. Hence, it’s crucial to act fast and not let the fake blood dyes set! 

But if you’re dealing with stains left by your homemade fake blood, worry not! After all, wherever your fake blood comes from, the cleaning process, equipment, and products are the same. That said, here are three foolproof ways to remove fake blood stains on your carpet, skin, and clothes:

Removing Fake Blood Stain On Your Carpet

Here’s how to get rid of fake blood stain on your carpet:

  1. Spot treatment. Begin with spot treatment by blotting the fake blood stains with a dry paper towel or clean cloth. It helps remove the excess liquid for easier removal. 
  2. Saturate the fake blood stain. You can use your preferred grease or oil-fighting solution to saturate the dye.
  3. Agitate the affected areas. Grab a sponge and agitate the affected areas. Working away from the stain’s edges toward the middle is best. Scrubbing it this way keeps it within the affected spot, preventing it from spreading.
  4. Blot again. Grab a dry paper towel and blot the affected areas again by pressing deep into them. 
  5. Rinse and blot. Spritz water on the fake blood stains to rinse them and blot them with a paper towel. I recommend pressing deep into the dye for easy removal. 
  6. Let your carpet air dry. Once you see no traces of the fake blood stains left, let your rug air dry. 

If you used a powdered version of fake blood, the process should be the same as above. The only difference is you need to grab a spoon and scoop up as much of the powdered fake blood left on your carpet at the start. 

Note that you can repeat the steps mentioned if you still spot fake blood stains on your carpet. 

You need to use a spot cleaner if the fake blood stains are still visible after you’ve completed the steps above. It can help wipe off the harder-to-remove stains by using its strong suction to extract the dye from the carpet’s fibers. In short, it provides a deep clean that pulls the fake blood within your carpet backing. 

Regardless of the spot cleaner you pick, follow its indicated directions for easier use. And note you can follow the same actions to remove other Halloween-related stains like candy, chocolate, food, and makeup!

How to Remove Real Blood Stains?

Real blood will be more effortless to remove than fake blood, as modern enzymatic cleaners can now specifically wipe off biological stains — like blood! They hasten the chemical reactions breaking down the natural matter. Regardless of the formula, ensure it’s pro-enzymatic so you can reuse it for other stains like urine and feces.

Since we’re discussing how to remove fake blood stains from a carpet, you’re likely curious how easier it’ll be to deal with “real” blood stains. Hence, I’ve made this short step-by-step guide to help you get rid of actual blood stains with ease:

  1. Spot treatment. Blot away all excess blood with a microfiber cloth or paper towel for easier removal. But if the blood has dried up, scrape it with a spoon or fork. 
  2. Use a carpet cleaner. Wet the affected areas with your preferred spot cleaner to scrub off the blood stains easier. Let it saturate into the blood, and avoid blotting or wiping them off at this point.
  3. Let the blood stains dry. Allow the damp blood stains to dry by placing a wet paper towel over them overnight. And for the best results, let it stay moist till the next day.
  4. Repeat until necessary. Once the towels dry up, repeat the steps until you’ve removed the stains. 

If you haven’t been able to remove the stains, use a portable spot cleaner for easier removal. But you’ll need a concentrated enzymatic cleaning solution for actual blood stains.

Removing Fake Blood Stain From Your Skin

Getting fake blood stains on your skin, whether on your face or arms, is common on Halloween. So, to avoid wasting hours of your time trying to remove the dyes that have invaded your skin, follow these steps:

  1. Grab your makeup remover (wipes or pads) to wipe off the fake blood. Blot the affected area with your preferred makeup remover until the stains fade. There’s no need to scrub off this early as it can irritate your skin and set the stain in more. 
  2. Wash the affected area. Once you’ve removed the fake blood stains with the makeup remover, wash the affected area. Doing this helps remove all the leftover faux blood stains on your skin. And here, you can scrub your skin if needed, but again, avoid irritating your skin as it can let the stain set in. 
  3. Oil up with petroleum jelly or baby oil. If you still have fake blood stains on your skin, cover them with baby oil or petroleum jelly. Scrub off until the red dyes fade. 
  4. Wash with soapy water and pat dry your skin. Wash your skin with your preferred soap to remove oil residue from the fake blood stains. 

You can repeat the steps mentioned if you still have faded marks from the blood stains on your skin. But you don’t need to worry if you still have remnants of the red dyes, as your body will replace the stained skin cells with new ones over time.

Removing Fake Blood Stain on Clothes

If the fake blood stains on your clothes are fresh, you only need a paper towel and shaving cream. Grab your preferred shaving cream and apply a generous amount on the fake blood stains on your clothing. Once laid, blot it away with a damp paper towel until the red dyes fade. 

When there are still remnants of the fake blood stains, clean them with cold water and a clean cloth. 

But if the fake blood has set into your clothes, you’ll need to use talcum powder and white vinegar. Apply both generously on the fake blood stains and let them soak overnight. And in the morning, wash your affected clothes under “cold wash” with a biological detergent to finish the job. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Does fake blood leave a stain on the fabric?

A: Since fake blood contains a lot of oil, it can stain most fabrics. And the dyes that fake blood leave can be challenging to remove. Hence, it would be best if you addressed fake blood stains fast with spot treatment for the best results. 

Q: Will fake blood stains come off easy?

A: Since fake blood contains FD&C #40 red dye, removing the stains it leaves can be challenging. After all, it has a permanent nature and mostly has alcohol and corn syrup. These two are notorious for being difficult to remove. Aside from that, the amount of time that stain set can impact the removal results. 

Q: How to get rid of fake blood stain on clothes fast?

A: You can quickly wash off fake blood stains with laundry or dish detergent. Using it as a base prevents the artificial dye from staining your clothes more, keeping them clean. Aside from that, detergent can protect your floors and shoes from fake blood stains. As long as you address the faux blood stain fast, you should be able to remove them quickly. 

Q: Will fake blood stains wash off with water?

A: Most fake blood stains are washable and easy to remove with water. But it would be best if you enhanced its effects with mild soap for easier removal. Also, it’s best to conduct a patch test inside your wrist before using the fake blood stain to see if it’s easy to remove. 

Q: How long will a fake blood stain last?

A: If you’re using edible fake blood, its stains should disappear within three weeks via natural decomposition. But if you’re using store-bought, inedible, fake blood, you need to address it fast, as it will leave a stain that won’t disappear unless you remove it. 

Final Words

How to get rid of fake blood stain from different objects? From laundry detergent to mild soap and water — there are many ways to remove faux blood stains. Keep this guide in mind, and you won’t face a bloody situation again! Whether you’re dealing with fake blood stains on your face, carpets, or clothes, these tips should help you remove them in no time.

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