What Floor Cleaner Is Safe For Dogs? – Tips For Fur Parents

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By CleanersWithLove

There are a lot of dog owners who are apprehensive about utilizing floor cleaners that are created commercially in their own homes. They are concerned that the chemicals employed in the production of these goods could make their dog ill or cause their pet’s skin to become irritated.

Ironically, simply the fact that you own a dog increases the likelihood that you will have to clean your floor more frequently than the typical person does. After all, dogs bring dirt into your home, drool all over the floor, and create messes while they are eating and drinking.

But don’t worry; we’ll do our best to guide you through these problems that are listed below.

Components Of Cleaning Products That Could Be Harmful

When looking for a floor cleaner that is safe for use around pets, the first thing you will need to do is educate yourself on the components of potential candidates and become familiar with the most prominent ones. Keep in mind that it is still safe to use the majority of them around dogs; however, it is essential to be aware of which compounds could potentially create issues.

The following are some examples of these:


When applied in the correct manner, bleach, also known by its chemical name, sodium hypochlorite, is an efficient disinfectant in addition to being a fairly common household cleaning.

Even though the majority of household bleach products are quite diluted (they typically contain about 3% to 8% sodium hypochlorite), they are nevertheless capable of causing considerable skin irritation and can burn the eyes, mouth, or nose if they come into contact with those areas. The lungs, the eyes, the nose, and the throat are all susceptible to irritation when exposed to bleach fumes. Recent research has shown that those who are exposed to bleach over extended periods of time are more likely to develop asthma.

In light of the fact that it poses a number of risks, you will want to make sure that you use bleach with extreme caution around dogs.


In its concentrated state, ammonia is a very corrosive and hazardous substance that occurs naturally in the environment. In the event that you get concentrated ammonia on your skin, you are going to end up with a pretty significant cut or burn. Fumes of ammonia can also cause significant damage to your lungs, as well as your nose and throat.

In spite of this, the vast majority of consumer goods that contain ammonia are extremely watered down (usually in the range of 5% to 10%). Therefore, you shouldn’t touch this substance, nor should you allow it to come into contact with the skin of your pet; nonetheless, it poses a lower risk than more concentrated forms. Since ammonia fumes are less dense than air, they have a greater propensity to scatter rapidly.


Phenols are volatile compounds that can be found in the vast majority of cleaning products that have the suffix ‘-sol’ in their names. Phenols have several applications, including but not limited to the cleaning of floors, the preservation of tissue, and the examination of DNA.

However, whereas diluted phenols may not pose a significant threat to human health, highly concentrated phenols are extremely harmful. Because of their corrosive nature, they are capable of causing harm to mucous membranes and the skin, and they are also hazardous if consumed. Ingestion of around a tablespoon’s worth of pure phenol has been responsible for the death of at least one individual.

Because of this, it is extremely essential to exercise extreme caution if using floor cleaners that contain phenols. Always check that your flooring are entirely dry before letting your pet walk on them, and make sure that the area has adequate ventilation before letting your pet into the room.

Glycol Ethers

Glycol ethers have a wide variety of applications in the consumer goods industry and can be found in everything from carpet cleaners to cosmetics. Many glycol ethers are perfectly safe to use when they are in a very diluted state; but, coming into close contact with their concentrated forms can result in bodily harm.

Acute exposure to glycol ethers can result in damage to the liver or the kidneys, and it can also cause fluid to build in the lungs. When consumed or inhaled in sufficient quantities, glycol ethers pose a health risk to the user.


Phthalates can be found in a wide variety of plastic consumer goods as well as in products used for housekeeping. However, over the past few years, the majority of manufacturers have started seeking to replace phthalates with alternative compounds that are safer, as scientists and researchers have been documenting the potential health problems that may be caused by phthalates.

It is believed that prolonged exposure to phthalates can cause a disruption in the normal functioning of the endocrine system. Even though this may not be as immediately life-threatening as other issues, such as chemical burns or damage to the liver, it is still something you should certainly take precautions to prevent your pet from experiencing.

To our good fortune, the number of products containing phthalates decreases year after year; it won’t be very long before they are completely phased out of production.

Best Pet-Safe Floor Cleaners

The four products that are listed below should make it easier for you to maintain your floors clean without putting your pet at risk of being ill. When utilizing any kind of cleaning product, you should make it a point to pay close attention to the directions provided by the maker.

Eco-Me Natural Multi-Surface Floor Cleaner

The Eco-Me Natural Multi-Surface Floor Cleaner is a cleaning solution that is derived from plants and is highly concentrated. It may be used to clean the majority of your home’s non-porous surfaces.

The Eco-Me Floor Cleaner is intended to be diluted for everyday cleaning (at a ratio of 1/4 cup of cleaner to 1 gallon of water), but it can also be utilized at its full strength to clean particularly grimy areas. Not only does this product clean floors, but it also helps improve the gloss of floors and protects them as well.

This item was manufactured without the use of any animals in the testing process, and the producer claims that it possesses natural antibacterial qualities.

The vast majority of consumers who gave Eco-Me Natural Floor Cleaner a shot were ecstatic with the results of their purchase. It seems to work well on most surfaces, and some customers have even commented that it worked better than conventional cleaners did on the surfaces they tested it on. It seemed as though the vast majority of consumers enjoyed the smell of the product.A few customers were dissatisfied with Eco-Me Natural Floor Cleaner’s capacity to clean unclean surfaces, but overall, the product did not receive a lot of negative feedback. In addition, some users reported that it produced a greater amount of suds than they had hoped for from the product.

Puracy Natural All Purpose Cleaner

The Puracy Natural All-Purpose Cleaner was formulated by medical professionals and individuals with doctoral degrees to guarantee that it is not only risk-free but also very efficient. It is effective on a wide variety of messes, from those caused by pets to those caused by grease, dirt, and even tree sap. Before being put to use, this product should be diluted with water as directed.

A plant-based cleaner, Puracy has not been tested on any animals during its development and production here in the United States.

Customers who have used Puracy Natural All-Purpose Cleaner have, for the most part, provided extremely favorable feedback on the product. It seems to perform well in a variety of applications, so not only can you use it to clean your floors, but you can also use it to clean your countertops and other surfaces. It was even mentioned by a few owners as having been used as a hand soap.A few customers who used this product and were unhappy with the results stated that it left streaks on most surfaces. In addition, the aroma of the product was described as “offensive” and “overpowering” by some buyers, while others said they didn’t like it at all and others still said it was “nice.”

Better Life Floor Cleaner

Better Life Floor Cleaner is versatile enough to be utilized on a variety of floor types, including hardwood, ceramic tile, stone, bamboo, vinyl, and laminates, to name a few. The product was created without the use of animal testing during the development process, and it has a refreshing aroma that combines citrus and mint.

The maker of this product claims that you may simply pour it directly into the floor, and it will not leave any residues behind or need for any additional rinsing to be done thereafter.

Customers who gave Better Life Floor Cleaner a shot reported feeling a high level of satisfaction with the product. According to the majority of users, it does an excellent job of cleaning floors and has a scent that is really enticing. It seems to work on the majority of floor types, and a number of customers were happy with how long a single bottle lasted them. Some consumers complained that it left a sticky residue on your floors, while others were dissatisfied with the product since it seemed to leave a foggy appearance on floors after they had used it.

Aunt Fannies Vinegar Floor Cleaner

The naturally occurring microbiome in your home will not be affected by the cleaning process when you use Aunt Fannies Vinegar Floor Cleaner because it contains no harsh chemicals. Although it is possible to use the concentrated product in its undiluted form, the manufacturer recommends that it be diluted with water before application. Vinegar is the principal component of this cleanser; however, it also contains extracts of eucalyptus, mint, and citrus, which contribute to the product’s pleasant aroma.

The Environmental Working Group gave Aunt Fannies Floor Cleaner an A grade, which indicates that it poses “the least concern” to human health and the environment.

The vast majority of consumers who bought Aunt Fannies Vinegar Floor Cleaner were quite pleased with the item they received. It was reported by a number of people, including those people who make their living cleaning houses, that it was quite effective at cleaning unclean floors. The majority of people also liked the smell of the product.The smell was the one aspect of this product that received the most feedback from customers. Others found it extremely upsetting, despite the fact that the majority of consumers appeared to find it appealing. It is also important to point out that this product is essentially just plain vinegar with a few perfumes added to it; therefore, it is possible for you to produce a product that is quite comparable to this on your own.

Why Make The Switch To Non-Toxic Alternatives

You are a responsible pet parent, which means that you invest a significant amount of time and effort into ensuring the health and well-being of your pet. The same principle applies to the food that we select to give our dogs as it does to the food that humans choose to ingest on a daily basis: the risk of exposure to potentially hazardous compounds should be reduced or removed entirely wherever possible.

Conventional pet food manufacturers add harmful preservatives and vitamin fortifications, both of which result in food that is actually less healthy for your pets. Hidden beneath phrases that appear to be innocuous are components that include meats that are dead, diseased, dying, or disabled (4-D), as well as growth hormones, preservatives, artificial colors, and a wide variety of additional additives that are known to cause cancer.

Good health begins with species-appropriate and high-quality nutrition, and anything beyond that which you can do for your pet, such as switching to natural and non-toxic cleansers, can only aid your furry family member. Good nutrition is the foundation of good health. We sincerely hope that this article has provided you with some useful and practical pointers that will assist you in preventing chronic poisoning brought on by the use of hazardous cleaners in the home on a daily basis and by consuming food of low quality. For the sake of both you and your furry little one, it is well worth your time to make the transition to pet products that are safe for them to use and that provide them with the right nourishment.

Cleaning Without Endangering The Health Of Your Pets

If you want to make sure that your animals are safe, a good place to start is by purchasing cleaning products that are safe for animals, but you still need to be careful about how you use those items around your pets. When you clean, keep the following guidelines in mind to ensure the safety of your pets:

  • It is important to keep dogs away from cleaning agents.
  • During the time that you are cleaning the room, keep animals outside.
  • Before letting pets back into the room, make sure all of the cleaning agents are completely dry.
  • Clear some air from the area (opening windows if you can)

In the event that you are forced to use a cleaning product on your pet’s floor, litter box, or any other location that isn’t completely safe for them, make sure to fully rinse and dry the area before letting your pet back into the room.

DIY Ingredients For A Cleaner That’s Safe For Your Pets To Use

These are the components that you will require in order to make your very own dog-friendly cleaning solutions for virtually every area of your home.


Vinegar has a high concentration of acetic acid, which makes it an effective disinfectant. This common ingredient is an efficient agent for eradicating bacteria and other organisms, and it also possesses anti-fungal qualities, making it excellent for combating mold. It is a component of many household cleaning products. Either white distilled vinegar or apple cider vinegar (also known as ACV) can be used, as both of these vinegars are safe to consume and won’t harm you in any way. It’s possible that your dog won’t like the smell, but there’s no need to worry about that because the pungent smell of vinegar will dissipate once the product has dried.

Baking Soda

This milder form of salt is excellent for absorbing and neutralizing odors, and it is also known by the name sodium bicarbonate. It is also slightly abrasive, which enables it to be used as a safe but efficient scouring solution for counters and sinks. Baking soda has alkaline qualities, which is the opposite of acidic properties, which makes it an ideal companion to vinegar and boosts vinegar’s efficacy at cutting through grease and unclogging drains. Baking soda can be found in most grocery stores.

Lemon Juice

Lemon juice is a potent antibacterial and antifungal agent, despite the fact that the citric acid it contains is not quite as potent as the acetic acid that is found in vinegar. When combined with vinegar, the increased acid content is quite useful for removing calcium and lime deposits as well as soap scum off surfaces. Even when used on its own, lemon juice is an efficient stain remover, particularly for coffee and tea. Do you not have any lemons with you? Lime juice is an acceptable substitute.

Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is a gentle bleach that has antibacterial and antifungal characteristics. It is based on the element oxygen. In addition to being effective against mold, it is also quite good at eliminating stubborn stains. Additionally, the oxygen included in peroxide can assist in the breakdown of urine stains’ odor-causing chemicals. In spite of the fact that peroxide is a bleaching agent, once it decomposes, it transforms into water and oxygen and does not leave behind any residual poisons that could be harmful to your pet.

Final Words

When we go to the supermarket, it is simple for us to be duped by items that represent themselves as non-genetically modified organism (non-GMO), natural, organic, or other similar terms. When reading the labels of cleaning goods, you really need to be careful because there may be certain additives in the product that aren’t clearly mentioned on the front of the label. This is something that you should keep in mind.

You can rest assured that anything on this list is going to be an excellent substitute for the conventional products, and in the interim, you will be able to keep your dogs safe. Our hairy companions have a habit of dozing off at the very spots where we would ordinarily tread with our shoes. It should be a top concern to shield their skin from the potentially damaging effects of the toxins.

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